Dead Zebra, Inc

Meet the Androids: Series 03 Preview (pt4)

If you ask for a “venti mocha blaster”, or a “frappa caramel whatsit”, this Android will kick you out of the cafe before you can even finish your obnoxious branding babble order. Stop talking made up nonsense, here’s your espresso. Drink it within 15 seconds and move along.

Android mini collectibles series 03 Barista Bot

When my sister opened Cafe Grumpy here in Brooklyn 7 years ago I helped her out by designing the logo.. and then somehow I was drafted into serving a brief stint as a barista. I never drank much coffee before that, so by the end of the day I looked pretty much like this guy.

Bonus! Click and drag on the image below to see a 360 view (requires javascript). Not working in your browser? Try this direct link.